Understanding the Template Tag in HTML5

1 min read


The <template> element defines fragments of isolated reusable UI components that are not visible on the rendered page. It’s like a blueprint for an HTML component, allowing you to create content templates that can be used multiple times within your code. The <template> tag is part of the Web Components specification and provides a way to encapsulate reusable markup, making it easier to maintain and update code.

Using <template> Tag

The basic structure of a <template> element is as follows:

<template id="myTemplate">
<!-- Content goes here -->

The content within the <template> Tag is not visible on the page but can be used later in your code. You can use JavaScript to insert the content of a template into the DOM or use it as the basis for creating new elements.

Example Usage:

Here’s an example of how you might use a <template> Element to create a reusable button component:

<template id="myButton">
<button class="btn">My Button</button>

<!-- Later in the code, we can create new instances of the button -->

var button = document.createElement('button');
// Get the content of the template
var templateContent = document.getElementById('myButton').content;
// Insert the content into the DOM

In this example, we define a button component within a <template> Element with an ID of “myButton”. Later in our code, we create a new button using JavaScript and insert the template’s content into the DOM to create a new instance of the button.

Attributes Applicable to the <template> Tag:

  • id: This attribute is used to specify a unique identifier for the <template> element. It can be used to reference the template in JavaScript code.
  • lang: Specifies the language of the content within the <template> element.


The <template> tag is an important tool in HTML that allows you to create reusable UI components that are not visible on the rendered page. It provides a way to encapsulate markup, making it easier to maintain and update code. By using the <template> tag, developers can reduce redundancy in their code and make their websites more efficient and easy to manage.

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