Subscripts in HTML

Sub HTML TAG The <sub> HTML tag is used to create subscript text. Subscript text is smaller than the surrounding text and often denotes an exponent, a chemical formula, or a mathematical notation. The <sub> tag can be used inline with regular text or within block-level elements such as paragraphs or headings. Code Example Here’s an example of…

2 min read

Summary Tag Explained in HTML5

The summary HTML element provides a brief explanation or summary of the content that follows it. It is typically used within list items (li) or section elements (section) to provide additional context or information about the contained content. The summary tag should be accompanied by a details tag, which provides the full details or description…

2 min read

What is ^ (superscript) in HTML?

The ^ (superscript) element is used to represent superscript text within an HTML document. Superscript text is typically used for displaying footnotes, mathematical expressions, or any other content that should be displayed above the regular line of text. Code Example: In this example, ^2 is used to denote the power of 2 applied to the variable r. This would…

1 min read

SVG: The Ultimate Guide

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, which are vector images that can be scaled up or down without losing quality. Unlike raster images, SVGs don’t rely on pixel data to maintain their appearance. Instead, they use mathematical equations to create shapes and lines. This means you can scale an SVG image up or down as…

2 min read

Introduction to the table Element In HTML5

The <table> element is one of the most commonly used HTML elements for creating tables on web pages. Tables are essential for organizing data into rows and columns, making it easy for users to read and understand information. In this article, we’ll explore how to use the <table> element in detail, including code examples and a list of its…

1 min read

The HTML Elements for the Table Body Tag

The <tbody> HTML element is used to group one or more table rows (<tr>) in an HTML table (<table>). It is a container for the body content of the table, separating it from the table header (<thead>) and table footer (<tfoot>). Code Example Attributes

2 min read

What is the td Tag in HTML5?

The <td> HTML tag defines a cell of a table. It is used to display data within a table row (<tr>). The <td> tag is usually used in combination with the <table>, <th>, and <tr> tags. Code Example: Table Cells <td> Attributes: Conclusion: The <td> HTML tag is an essential component of a table structure in web development. It helps to organize and display data meaningfully in…

2 min read

Understanding the Template Tag in HTML5

Introduction The <template> element defines fragments of isolated reusable UI components that are not visible on the rendered page. It’s like a blueprint for an HTML component, allowing you to create content templates that can be used multiple times within your code. The <template> tag is part of the Web Components specification and provides a way to encapsulate reusable…

1 min read

What Is the textarea HTML5 Tag Used For?

The <textarea> element creates a multiline text input field on an HTML web page. This tag is commonly used for user input, such as comments, feedback forms, or any other content that requires multiple lines of input. This article will discuss the attributes and properties associated with the <textarea> tag and some code examples to…

3 min read

How To Use the Code Tag in HTML5

The <code> tag is an HTML element that represents a block of computer code. It is an inline element, and it is commonly used in combination with the preformatted text element <pre>. The <code> tag helps to differentiate code from other elements on a webpage, making it easier for readers to identify and understand code…

2 min read