How To Use the Code Tag in HTML5

2 min read

The <code> tag is an HTML element that represents a block of computer code. It is an inline element, and it is commonly used in combination with the preformatted text element <pre>. The <code> tag helps to differentiate code from other elements on a webpage, making it easier for readers to identify and understand code snippets.

This is a sample HTML code using the Code Tag in HTML5:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample Page</title>
<h1>Welcome to My Website!</h1>

As you can see, the <code> tag is used to format the HTML code block, making it easy for readers to identify and understand the code.

Here’s a breakdown of the code tag attributes:

  • class: This attribute is used to specify a class name for the element. It allows you to apply CSS styles to the element based on its class name. For example, <code class="sample"> would apply the CSS class “sample” to the code element.
  • id: This attribute is used to specify an ID for the element. It allows you to target the element with JavaScript or style it using CSS selectors. For example, <code id="sample_code"> would give the element an ID of “sample_code”.
  • style: This attribute is used to apply inline CSS styles to the element. For example, <code style="color:red;"> would make the code appear in red text.

In conclusion, the <code> tag is a useful HTML element for formatting inline code on webpages. By using this tag, you can make your code more readable and accessible to users.

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