The Break (BR) Tag. When Do I Use it?

2 min read

The <br> tag is used to create a line break in the text. It’s one of the simplest HTML tags and has no closing tag, meaning that you don’t need to use </br> it at the end of the line.

Here is an example of how to use the <br> tag:

    <p>This is a line of text.</p>
    <p>This is another line of text.</p>
    <p>And here's a third line of text.</p>

In this example, each <p> tag creates a new paragraph, and the <br> Tag is used to create a line break between each paragraph. This will result in the following output:

    <p>This is a line of text.</p>
    <p>This is another line of text.</p>
    <p>And here's a third line of text.</p>

As you can see, the <br> Tag creates a new line within the same paragraph. It is important to note that the <br> tag does not create a new paragraph but creates a line break within the same paragraph.

The following attributes can be applied to the <br> tag:

  • Clear: This attribute specifies whether the line break should clear any floats that are present in the container. The possible values for this attribute are “left,” “right,” “all,” and “none.”
  • Title: This attribute adds a tooltip to the element.

For example, if you wanted to create a line break that clears any left floats and has a tooltip that says “Line Break,” you would use the following code:

    <br clear="left" title="Line Break">

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