
What Does the tfoot tag do in HTML5

The <tfoot> HTML element is used to group footer content in tables. It contains information about the data that has been displayed in the table and provides a summary of the table’s contents. The <tfoot> tag must be placed inside a <table> tag, and it must be placed before the <tbody> tag. Here is an example of how to use the <tfoot> tag: In this…

6 min read

Understanding the TH Tag In HTML5

The <th> HTML tag is used to define table header cells that contain column headers or row headers. These headers are typically bolded and centered by default and can be styled further using CSS. Example Usage: Attributes applicable to the tag:

3 min read

How To Use the thead tag in HTML5

The <thead> element is an HTML tag that is used to define the table header. This element is commonly used with other table elements, such as <tbody>, <tfoot>, and <tr>. The <thead> element is a container for a table’s header rows, which contain column labels or headers. Code Example Here’s an example of how to use the <thead> tag in HTML: Attributes of the <thead> Element…

2 min read

Understanding the TIME Tag in HTML

The HTML <time> element is used to represent dates and times in your webpage content. It’s a semantic tag that helps search engines and other technologies better understand when an event occurred or will occur. Example of Usage In the example above, the <time> tag represents the date when the blog post was created. The datetime attribute specifies the precise date…

2 min read

Title Tag Explained and Its Connection to SEO

The <title> tag is an HTML element used to define the title of a web page or document. It is located within the <head> section of a website’s HTML code, which contains metadata about the page, such as its character encoding, viewport settings, and more. The <title> tag is crucial for search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience because it provides…

4 min read

How To Use cite Tag in HTML5

What is the cite Tag? The <cite> tag is an HTML element that provides source information for quotes or references on a web page. It helps improve the accessibility, SEO, and readability of content. When properly used, the <cite> tag can provide valuable context about your content while making it more discoverable online. Code Example…

3 min read

What is a tr Tag in HTML5?

The <tr> HTML tag is used to create a new row in a table. This tag can be used alone or in combination with other tags such as <td> and <th>. The <tr> tag is part of the HTML Table elements that allow developers to create a structured layout for displaying data in a tabular format. Code Example: Attributes:

1 min read

Understanding the track tag Element In HTML5

The <track> element is an essential component of HTML5 that enables web developers to include subtitles or captions in video and audio files. This tag helps improve accessibility for users who are deaf or hard of hearing by providing a textual representation of the content being played. This blog article will discuss the <track> element in detail, including its…

3 min read

Understanding the U Tag In HTML5

Introduction The <u> tag is an HTML element that is used to underline text on a web page. While it may seem like a simple task, there’s more to this tag than meets the eye. This article will explore the <u> tag in detail, including code examples and a list of all applicable attributes with explanations. Code Examples Here…

2 min read

Understanding the UL Element TAG: HTML5 Guide for Web Developers

The <ul> element is a fundamental building block in HTML that enables you to create organized, structured lists of items on your website. This tag is commonly used to display navigation menus, product lists, and other types of content where the order of elements matters. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what the <ul> element does,…

4 min read