HTML5 Guide: Utilizing
Tag for Contact Information

3 min read

In HTML5, the <address> tag plays a crucial role in marking up contact information or the authorship of an article or post. This article is tailored for beginners in web development, aiming to clearly understand the <address> tag and how to use it effectively.

What is the HTML <address> Tag?

The <address> tag in HTML5 defines the contact information of the author or owner of a document or an article. This tag can contain physical addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social media handles, etc. It’s important to note that the <address> tag is not intended for any addresses or contact information on a webpage but specifically for the author or responsible party.

Characteristics of the <address> Tag

  • Semantic HTML: The <address> tag is a semantic element that defines content as contact information, making it more meaningful and accessible for web browsers and assistive technologies.
  • Typically Rendered in Italics: Most browsers will display content within the <address> tag in italics by default.
  • Not for Postal Addresses Only: It can include any form of contact information, not just postal addresses.

Example Code with the <address> Tag

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Address Tag Example</title>

        <h1>HTML5 Semantic Elements</h1>
        <p>By Carlos Baez</p>
            <p>In this article, we explore the importance of semantic elements in HTML5...</p>
            <!-- More article content -->
                Written by <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Carlos Baez</a><br>
                Visit us at:<br>
                Example Co.<br>
                1234 Street Rd.<br>
                Suite 100<br>
                Phoenix, AZ 85001<br>
                <a href="tel:+1234567890">+1 234-567-890</a>


In this example, the <address> tag is used within an article’s footer to specify the author’s contact information, including an email address and a physical address.

Best Practices

  • Correct Use: Use the <address> tag for specifying contact information related to the author or owner of a document or an article.
  • Avoid Misuse: Do not use the <address> tag for arbitrary addresses unrelated to the article’s or page’s authorship.
  • Combine with Other Tags: Feel free to include other HTML tags like <a> for email links or <br> for line breaks within the <address> element.


The <address> tag is a valuable semantic element in HTML5, ensuring that contact information is properly identified and accessible on web pages. Its appropriate use enhances the structure and meaning of your HTML documents and improves accessibility for users and search engines alike. As you continue to grow as a web developer, incorporating semantic elements like <address> is a key step in creating well-structured and meaningful web content.

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