Navigating HTML5: The “area” and “map” Tag Explained

3 min read

The <area> tag in HTML5 is a lesser-known but incredibly useful element, especially when working with image maps. This article is designed for beginners in web development, offering a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing the <area> tag in your HTML documents.

What is the HTML <map> tag?

The <map> tag in HTML5 defines an image map, a clickable and interactive image with areas that link to different destinations. The <map> element contains a collection of <area> elements that specify the clickable regions of the image map.

Features of the <map> Tag

  • Works with <area> Tags: The <map> tag is used in conjunction with <area> tags, each defining a clickable area on the image.
  • Requires an ID: The <map> tag must have a unique id attribute, which is then referenced by the usemap attribute of the <img> tag.

What is the HTML <area> Tag?

The <area> tag defines a clickable area within an image map and is always nested inside a <map> element. An image map allows you to create multiple clickable areas (hotspots) on a single image, each linking to different destinations. This is particularly useful for interactive graphics like geographical maps, diagrams, or complex images.

Attributes of the <area> Tag

The <area> tag supports several attributes that define its shape, coordinates, and link properties:

  1. shape: Specifies the shape of the area. Common values include rect (rectangle), circle, and poly (polygon).
  2. coords: Defines the coordinates of the area’s shape in pixels.
  3. href: Sets the URL to which the area links.
  4. alt: Provides alternative text for the area (important for accessibility).
  5. target: Similar to the <a> tag, it specifies where to open the linked document.
  6. download, media, hreflang, rel, type: These attributes work similarly to their counterparts in the <a> tag.

Example Code with the <area> Tag

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Area Tag Example</title>

    <h1>Interactive Image Map Example</h1>

    <img src="planets.jpg" usemap="#planetmap" alt="Planets">

    <map name="planetmap">
        <area shape="circle" coords="45,45,35" href="mercury.html" alt="Mercury">
        <area shape="circle" coords="90,58,35" href="venus.html" alt="Venus">
        <area shape="circle" coords="145,45,35" href="earth.html" alt="Earth">
        <!-- More areas for other planets -->


In this example, an image of the solar system is used with defined clickable areas for each planet. Each <area> has a shape, coordinates, and a link to a corresponding page.

Best Practices

  • Use Clear alt Texts: Provide descriptive alternative texts for each area for accessibility purposes.
  • Validate Coordinates: Ensure that the coordinates match the intended areas on the image.
  • Use Responsively: Remember that image maps may not scale well on responsive designs.


The <area> tag, when combined with the <map> and <img> tags offer a powerful way to create interactive images with multiple linkable areas. This can greatly enhance the interactivity and user experience of your web pages. As a developing web designer or developer, experimenting with image maps can open up creative avenues for presenting information in an engaging and interactive format.

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